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Jesus, Our Savior -engl. Vapahtajamme Jeesus
Jesus, Our Savior -engl. Vapahtajamme Jeesus
15,00 €

Ed. Tapio Holma, English ed. Paul Waaraniemi 

Stories of Jesus 4. This book Jesus’ way of suffering, His death, and His resurrection.

Kertomuksia Jeesuksesta sarjan neljäs kirja kertoo Jeesuksen kärsimystiestä ja kuolleista nousemisesta.

The first book, Jesus, the Son of God, tells of Jesus’ life and work before Passion Week. The second book, Jesus, Our Friend, features stories about Jesus as a helper of people. The third book, Jesus, Our Teacher, contains, among others, stories about Jesus’ parables. This fourth book tells about Jesus’ way of suffering, His death, and His resurrection. Riitta Luiro’s illustrations help to bring the narratives to life. The stories of Jesus’ suffering are, in their own way, a depiction of the evilness of people. At the same time, His love for sin-fallen man shines through the horrors He endured.

Book is narrated by Mary Hillukka (1 audio cds included).

ISBN/ISRC/ISMN: 978-951-843-122-3
Published in: 2008
Published by: SRK
Edition: 1.
Pages: 48
Size: 251 × 175 × 8 mm

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